How to Raise Your Vibration Today

How to Raise Your Vibration Today

One of the best ways to raise your vibration today is to give to others. You can do this by doing simple things like holding a door open for someone or even just by saying ‘Thank you’. You must understand the Law of Attraction to do so. Giving has two laws...
Positive Affirmations For Anxiety

Positive Affirmations For Anxiety

If you’re suffering from anxiety, positive affirmations may be just what you need. These affirmations, made up by you, are meant to calm your mind and raise your self-esteem. They’re a powerful method for reducing the duration and intensity of attacks....
How to Create a School Bullet Journal

How to Create a School Bullet Journal

If you’re still in high school, consider creating a bullet journal. These notebooks are great for noting down information that is important in your classes. For example, you can use them to record deadlines for assignments and class information. You can also use...
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